Monday in Wonderland: Make the World a Prettier Place

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Happy Monday in Wonderland! It has been forever and a day since I wrote one of these babies, but I have honestly missed it. Plus, I’ll take any chance to play around with lettering and Photoshop more!

If you’ve forgotten the drill, a “Monday in Wonderland” is just an excuse for me to doodle something pretty and ramble on and on about who knows what. The original intention when I started this blog was to brighten each and every week with a Monday in Wonderland, but I set that aside for a crazy semester, better designs, and the fact of life that bad Mondays happen, no matter how much glitter you try to remedy them with. (In fact, one of my favorite Monday in Wonderlands was one that explicitly told you to be sad.) So this is the new-and-improved, do-them-when-I want-to-and-how-I-want-to version of the little feature that started this whole blog in the first place. And, in Monday in Wonderland fashion, I’ll start by explaining the seemingly meaningless, somewhat ripped off from an ancient saying quote you see above. (PS, it’s free to download, and makes a stellar computer wallpaper!)

When it comes to my opinions on things, there’s a lot I haven’t made up my mind about. I don’t like to get confrontational, but, as I mentioned in my 19 Things at 19 post, I am resolving to research and reflect and discover the facts underlying the controversies in this year of my life (and hopefully the rest of it)! I have been journaling a lot too, and although it leaves me more perplexed at times, sometimes I come away with little gems about the way I want to live my life. It may not seem like much, but I've recently realized all the joy I get from the simple, pretty things in life. The concept of making the world a prettier place also seems to connect my current passions for the planet, design, writing, and loving people.

I may shy away from political debates, and may have a lot to consider about the kind of person I want to be, but I know with some certainty that real pockets in my shorts, pink and purple sunsets, and hours spent creating art will probably always make the world seem “better” to me. Technically, making the world a “better” place could be turned and tilted and distorted, and I don’t always know what better is. But making the world “prettier?” Even with beauty eternally in the eye of the beholder, I know what I find beauty in.

Big words, and sweet, lovely, kind, people, and watercolors, and nature, and teacups are all things of maximum “prettiness” to me, and if I can do nothing else in life, at least I can create a little more of that prettiness in my everyday existence, both through the things I create and the relationships I cultivate. That’s what this Monday in Wonderland is about. Basically, without wondering what’s right and what’s wrong, what’s better and worse, I can working at bringing more things to this lovely planet that personify brightness, loveliness, and beauty. 

Stay lovely,

P.S. We adopted a new puppy yesterday, and if you haven’t seen her on my Instagram yet, you have some looking and "aww"-ing to do! Her name is Cookie *heart eyes emoji*

**Please respect my copyright policy. If you modify or use my work, link back here for attribution. Also, don’t post this content as your own download, but rather link back to me, because everyone is free to join the fun and download through this website! For more on gross copyright things, click the link in this blog's footer.**

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